Science After Noon 'Open Science meets Citizen Science'

House of Academies, Room Eiger, Laupenstrasse 7, 3001 Bern

The ScienceAfterNoon from the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences highlights the synergies between Open Science and Citizen Science. Following expert insights provided by the two moderators, Olivia Denk (Specialist Open Science, a+) and Tizian Zumthurm (Project leader Citizen Science, Science et Cité), project team members from InfoFlora, Long Covid Switzerland, and the Zurich Central Library will present their Citizen Science projects. The subsequent panel discussion will address the following questions: How can Citizen Science projects benefit from Open Science? What best practices exist for combining the two approaches? To conclude, the audience is invited to ask questions and actively participate in the dialogue.

Join us in Bern or online via Zoom!

Please use our form to register for the event.
