Welcome to the Swiss Research Data Support Network (SRDSN)

The SRDSN is a dynamic and inclusive community that aims to connect professionals in the field of research data management support in Switzerland.

Join the Network

Do you want to help shape the support for research data management in Switzerland?
Become part of the SRDSN and actively contribute your ideas to the community.
Become a Member

Wegmann, Martin

I am Data Steward in the Open Science Team of the University of Bern. My role in the SRDSN is to make sure we are aligned with international Open Research Data efforts. I see great potential in the SRDSN as a space to learn from each other across the very diverse ORD efforts we have in Switzerland.

Martin Wegmann (Uni Bern)
Delamadeleine, Constance (HES-SO)

I’m research data manager at HES-SO. I have been a member of SRDSN for 2 years where I have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions, share knowledge and exchange experience. Being part of this network has been crucial in navigating the complexities of research data management.

Constance Delamadeleine (HES-SO)
Rossier, Grégoire (SIB)

For several years, I've actively participated in ELIXIR projects and communities, focusing on Research Data Management (RDM). This experience fueled my excitement to co-lead the work package on international alignment. With a background in life science and bioinformatics, I see this as a great opportunity to work with people from other fields and contribute to the creation of the new Swiss Research Data Support Network.

Grégoire Rossier (SIB)
Sarmann, Igor (USI)

Being part of the SRDSN is fundamental for my activity as Research Data Manager at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI). USI is a small, young but vibrant institution and the researchers’ interest and needs toward the themes of RDM and ORD are growing fast, it is thus important for me to be in touch with Data Stewards form bigger institutions in order to exchange ideas and take example. I am certain that with the help of SRDSN I will be able to improve the support given to USI researchers in their everyday RDM practices.

Igor Sarmann (USI)
Mischler, Marianne (PH Zug)

As a member of the Open Science Team at the PH Zug I joined the SRDSN in 2023. Thanks to the SRDSN it is/was possible for me to work together with people from other universities and colleges, for example to put together training modules for our researchers. The exchange of knowledge and experience in this new and rapidly changing field of OS specifically ORD is extremely important for me and my work. I hope that the SRDSN will become even more established and remain a network for all people working in the field of OS, specifically ORD.

Marianne Mischler (PH Zug)
Stalder, Désirée

What I particularly appreciate about the SRDSN is the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with like-minded people. Through open dialogue, I can learn from other people's experiences while sharing my own. The exchange of best practices and teamwork promote mutual progress.

Désirée Stalder (BFH)
Varrato, Francesco (EPFL)

I have been a member of the SRDSN since its inception, and I have always appreciated its grassroots origin and way of working. The common intent of sharing knowledge and experiences, to stay informed on tools, practices, problems, and solutions for RDM support, is invaluable. Whether my participation was active or more passive, the network has helped me find great collaborators and, more importantly, great people.

Francesco Varrato (EPFL)
Muller, Florianne

I’ve joined the network in its very early days, before it even had a name and when it was just, “let’s meet and discuss, who’s in?”. Now, I’m a member of the organizing committee, which sets up the bi-yearly meetings. Being a network member allowed me to gain great insights into what’s happening in other institutions or countries and how they tackle some challenges we also have to deal with. The network is an excellent platform for connections, knowledge exchange and skills development, and I'm really grateful for this.

Floriane Muller (Uni Genève)


  • Love Data Week 2025

    The Love Data Week is an annual event to celebrate research data and research data management. The next Love Data Week takes place from February 10 to 14 2025. 

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  • Spring meeting SRDSN 2025

    SRDSN's spring meeting will take place on Thursday 27 March 2025 at the University of Zurich. So, go ahead and #SaveTheDate in your calendars.


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  • Welcome to the SRDSN website

    We are happy to have you here. Following, you will find the most important facts about the website and how you can get involved in the SRDSN and add content to the website yourself. 


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Love Data Week

The Love Data Week is an annual, worldwide event established to celebrate research data and research data management. It takes place in the second week of February. 

More information
love data week poster