SRDSN Zenodo Community
The SRDSN maintains a Zenodo Community in which publications and documents of the network and its nodes are published. Visit the SRDSN Zenodo Community to discover these RDM resources.
Find out how to add your own material to the SRDSN Zenodo community: Guidelines for the SRDSN Zenodo Community
RDM Websites of Swiss Higher Education Institutions and Research Infrastructures
Here you can find an overview of the RDM websites of Swiss higher education institutions and research infrastructures. These websites provide general information on RDM as well as information on institution-specific guidelines, infrastructures, tools, services and contact points.
Collection of Links on Various RDM Topics
The collection of links was compiled by members of the SRDSN. If you know of a website or tool that is missing on the list and could be a useful resource for the Swiss RDM support community, please contact us and we will be happy to add the link.